The List to End All List

A facts list won't eliminate all your list but it will make life easier.

We have so much to remember. Why not put them all in one document. Think of the document as a storage draw for information that is important, but not needed often enough to commit to memory. A place to list all the important information that you use once in awhile.

When you first gathered the information it took plenty of time. Now that you have it, why not put it into a “Facts Document”.

When you need it again, just open your “Facts Document” and there it is.

Some Examples

The date that warranties expire. That would save you digging through files to find the docket only to find out that the warranty expired 3 days before.

The name of a service man you really liked dealing with

The name of a service man that you would never deal with again.

The size of the flouro tubes in the kitchen. Saves measuring them every time one burns out

Your air miles membership numbers. Sure beats digging them out when you are booking your vacation.

How To Do It

Open a new document in your word processor. Type in your facts and save it as “Facts”.

Then whenever you need one of those not often used bits of information it is at your fingertips.

If you put in any info that you rather others didn’t see you could consider protecting the

document with a password.

You could even place the list on your desktop for quicker access


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