Email Scam Re: Electronic Payments ACH

An email arrives from NACHA. Telling you that there has been a problem with a recent automatic payment either to you or from you.
You are asked to click on a link or open a document with the ending letters .pdf.exe. Knowing that a PDF file is usually safe you open it.

The Nightmare Begins

When you click on the link or open the file the nightmare begins. It is not a PDF but a virus.
The following is from NACHA's website

NACHA itself does not process nor touch the ACH transactions that flow to and from organizations and financial institutions. NACHA does not send communications to persons or organizations about individual ACH transactions that they originate or receive.

When talking about 2 day old fish, Mum used to say "When in doubt throw it out". You would be pretty wise applying the same to fishy emails.

Some of the subject lines for this email have been:
Please review the transaction report
Rejected ACH transaction
Rejected ACH transaction, please review the transaction report
Unauthorized ACH transaction
Unauthorized ACH Transaction Report
Your ACH transaction was rejected
Your ACH transaction was rejected by The Electronic Payment Association

I guess the next question would be how does the Electronic Payment Association become NACHA


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